• 876-929-5142 | 876-618-0094 | 876-618-0100 | 888-225-5472 (local calls only)
  • info@fhccu.com

Whatever Your Goals, Start Here, Start Now.


The FHC Group through its Foundation provides an Entrepreneur Award which is to encourage entrepreneurship among our young generation. Each grant is valued at $500,000.00.

Generally, any business plan requiring start-up capital above $500,000 will not be considered. However, if the business is deemed to be feasible, the plan may be considered and the beneficiary would be introduced to additional financing after the approved business has started. This is in addition to other loans that would be available to each awardee as a member of the Credit Union. Top-achieving students from all faculties of recognized tertiary institutions and persons between the ages of 18-35 are eligible to apply for the awards.


  • Final Year University Students who have maintained at least a “B” average at the end of their study, and who intend to start a business within 6 months after graduation.
  • Business owners of a start up business who are between the ages of 18-35. Business must be registered within 6 months of receiving award.
  • Must submit a comprehensive Business Plan for the Small Business Enterprise.
  • Must become a member of FHC upon receiving award.

The Plans that are judged to be the top three and most feasible, will each receive the sum of $500,000.00 for use as start-up capital.

Submit viable business plans to firstheritagecu@gmail.com

About Us


On August 1, 2012, Churches Co-operative Credit Union and GSB Co-operative Credit Union merged to form the new entity First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Limited (FHC). This decision culminated the process of discussions that began in October 2010 when the idea of the amalgamation of the two Credit Unions was born.


Get in touch

8-10 Eureka Road, Kingston 5

888-225-5472 (Local Callers only)




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