• 876-929-5142 | 876-618-0094 | 876-618-0100 | 888-225-5472 (local calls only)
  • info@fhccu.com

Whatever Your Goals, Start Here, Start Now.

Rodney 'Ruddy' Bent knows all too well what it's like to have no job and nowhere to live. "Don't sit down and talk about 'want a job'. Government say jobs, jobs. It's not there. You have to create your own. Find something, do something and you can achieve your goals." Read more...

A three-way partnership of First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union (FHC), Caribbean Broilers Group and Social Development Commission (SDC) was sealed two weeks ago to facilitate MSME business growth in 783 communities. According to SDC executive, Dr Dwayne Vernon, the partners will advise potential entre-preneurs on business funding, marketing and managing small and micro enterprises. Read more...

EXECUTIVES and team members from First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Limited (FHC) exchanged their offices for the classroom during April 28 to May 4 in a bid to promote literacy in schools. 

During the week, celebrated locally as National Reading Week, the FHC team members read, donated books and shared their skills with children at some 30 preparatory and primary schools across the island.

Read more at Jamaica Observer

About Us


On August 1, 2012, Churches Co-operative Credit Union and GSB Co-operative Credit Union merged to form the new entity First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Limited (FHC). This decision culminated the process of discussions that began in October 2010 when the idea of the amalgamation of the two Credit Unions was born.


Get in touch

8-10 Eureka Road, Kingston 5

888-225-5472 (Local Callers only)




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